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Why Business Owners Don't Last Long

Roberto Aceski

Hey there, friends! I’ve been hearing a lot of chatter about people claiming, "XYZ marketing channel doesn’t work." 

And it doesn’t matter if it’s:

Google Ads

Meta Ads

Content marketing

Email outreach 

Cold outbound 

You name it, someone’s doubting it. 

There's one common thread among these people: they throw in the towel before even making headway. 

Sure, I could just tell you to extend your campaign duration, but that’s not the lesson you need.

Let me clue you in on something – a principle that even seasoned business owners might have overlooked. It’s the secret sauce that can turn your bank account from an erratic zigzag into a smooth, uphill climb. 

Here’s the thing: when a marketing channel delivers results for BILLIONS of other businesses, and yet seems to fail for you, it often boils down to one thing – your sales cycle. 

Think about it: your sales cycle is the span between the first touchpoint and a sealed deal. 

It’s the interval from when a prospect sees your offer to when they whip out their wallet. And guess what? It typically stretches beyond a week.

Let’s paint a picture. You adore dogs (movie reference, see the clip here: (

It’s 3 AM, and you’re doomscrolling on TikTok, you see an ad for a dog toy. It looks nice and you find it interesting. Now in theory you should be interested in buying this now but you don’t feel like spending money so you scroll on.

And the dog toy company? They know that you’ve seen the ad, they also know their sales cycle is two weeks. So what do they do? They put you in a follow up sequence of ads.

All of a sudden, because you clicked on their ad you are now in a 4 week sequence of their dog-chew-toy ads.

No matter what you do, they don’t go away.

And because you are generally interested, and because you get so many of their different toys to view, and because you see so many positive testimonials from dozens of their customers, you, after 2 weeks of indoctrination, finally decide to order a package for your own dag.

Now, just imagine the company pulled the plug on their ads after a mere week due to no instant sales. That’s the mistake 80% of business owners make when trying out new marketing channels. 

That's literally 80% of business owners that ever dared to try out a new marketing channel.

So don't be that business owner.

Instead, click here to find out how you can work with us.

See you inside,




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