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Why Being A Good Writer Can Increase Sales And Help You Attract More Clients

Roberto Aceski

When I was still in school we had to write an essay, the topic was always a random book lying around the teacher’s office.

The class was about writing, grammar, punctuation, and everything connected to writing. 

So you would imagine that her writing was out of this world, but she sucked at it. 

Sucked massively. 

What’s worst of all she taught me how to suck at writing as well. 

And because she was the teacher, she set the rules for the essay. Me being the student I had to follow them and I always ended up failing those damn essays.

By sticking to those principles I had no idea that being a good writer can be considered a superpower.

Let me tell you why.

Better Writing = More Sales

Just like my teacher, most writing sucks.

No matter where you live you will notice it everywhere. Writing is universal so it’s the same in every language. 

The same writing sin made from New Zealand to Jamaica.

I’m talking about making what you write boring. Writing is so boring Its value drops down to 0 because no one is going to read it.

Imagine writing to nobody, not even ghosts want to read it. 

So what do we do?

The Fastest Way To Get People To Read Your Stuff

There are 2 things you need to start doing. If done correctly we are going to rise above all the shitty writing making us look like professionals.

And best of all, once you create 1 good thing, 1 good article, 1 good video. 

It’s always going to exist and it will always be helping you.

Great writing is the fastest way to convey to clients that you are an expert in your field.  And people like to listen to experts way more than ordinary people.

You listen to your doctor about your health more than a random homeless man right? 

The first thing we do is forget everything we learned in school. We can leave that to the professors and their essays.

The most important part is hooking someone into wanting to read what we wrote. 

Like a game of seduction, we entice him into wanting more. 

But he is not going to say long if he is faced with an iceberg-sized block of text.

That’s why we make it easy for him, by using the entire structure of what we write to our advantage and making sure it's easy to understand and easy to read.

Avoid giant paragraphs filed with endless jargon sentences that have no meaning. 

Focus on short paragraphs that are to the point and easy to understand sentences.

Imagine the reader jumping from hook to hook always wanting more. That’s what differentiates the great from the bad and the ugly.

So let’s start making it easy for people to read what we write. And by using the 2 methods mentioned here we are going to do exactly that.

P.S. If you want me to take a look at your business and see what I can do, you contact me by filling out this form.



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